Emma is always a delight to connect to. She’s smart, funny and oh so serious about the work she does here on the planet. She’s the only dog that took the Reiki Attunement class, only because she wanted to enjoy it again. Her Mom is a doctor and has been taking Continuing Ed classes. Emma believed it was her turn as well. Love the connection between them as well.
Request for Emma:
Emma’s mommy went to doctor school for the weekend and again next weekend and Emma said she needs to go to class also for continuing education because she is Dr. Emma. I told her I will let Dr. Ming and Dr. Candy know. (I think just a regular session will do!)
We told Emma’s Mom that Emma will be Reiki Master.
She’s so happy she almost levitated! got your mail – thx!
When we connected with Emma for her Reiki Master Attunement:
Emma said Emma feels wonderful because Emma asked for more and now Emma has more to offer everyone. Asking is only part of communicating Emma has a Mom who LISTENS to Emma and truly HEARS Emma. Emma is filled with gratitude and will make a positive difference with the ability to help heal so many. Emma will always do more to help more. Emma’s life is over flowing with love and kindness this is why Emma has so much confidence . Mom should study while away and relax. Emma will take care of the boys here at home 😉
Reiki Fur Babies says
From Facebook:
Pam Wolf G Nutritionista Dr Emma, are you taking new patients ?