The information we received about Buddy:
Spaniel x Collie 11.75 yrs
How long have you had pet?
11.75 yrs
Problems/Issues (Please be specific as necessary for mental healing. Please note what you have tried to remedy.)
Heart problems, heart failure, lethargy. Irregular heart beat leading to heavy breathing pattern. Previously fluid on lungs
Physical issues (disease state, medications etc.)
Heart failure, atrial fibrillation. RHS heart is pumping slightly better than left hand side. Heart beat is irregular,
Buddy is on diuretics, tablets to help regulate his heart beat and tablets to help heart pumping. Shallow breathing
Write up to 4 questions to be asked, however please note animals may choose not to answer a question and comment on another issue.
Will Buddy wait for me the other side of the door
Will Buddy meet his grandpa who always said he was born 10 years before his time
Does Buddy understand that he is very loved
Buddy won’t recover from his heart failure but does he feel ok to be with me right now or does he need to go.
During Buddy’s session, Buddy :
Buddy said Buddy feels so grateful for the kindness and love every day from Mom. Buddy will ALWAYS be with Mom because Buddy and Mom have a soul connection that goes on for always. Buddy’s physical body will pass but Buddy’s soul will always be here next to you Mom. Buddy feels the guardian angel Mom brought to be with Buddy. Mom must use her senses to decide when it is time for Buddy’s body to be let to rest. Mom will know the right path and take it when Mom knows. Just always know that Buddy’s body may not be with you but Buddy’s should will be close to you always in the NOW and the here after.
Dear Ming
Just to let you know that I took Buddy to the vet yesterday and they are now trying him on some other tablets which I will start today. If these help with the atrial fibrillation we can stop one of the other tablets that he is on, so I am hoping. It would be such a big help to steady his heart beat.
I know his session wasn’t until midnight UK time on Saturday but I started to see a difference earlier that evening and although his breathing is still quite heavy and his heart beat is not regular, he is happier. There is no pain and his tail is wagging and he takes a short walk out in the garden when he feels up to it. He definitely improves as the day progresses, mornings are not his best time.
Sending good thoughts to Buddy and Mom. 🙂
Thank you Jeannette. Another update came in:
Hello Ming
I just wanted to give you an update on Buddy. It’s been an up and down few weeks but he is now on 14 tablets throughout the day and we had visit to the vet yesterday and his heart has settled much better. We still know that it will probably just give out one day but at the moment he is much happier and although slow to get going in the mornings by mid afternoon he is keen to go out for a walk and I always let him go at his own pace for that.
He is still enjoying his food and is always so happy to see me when I come home, tail is wagging and he still greets in his usual way, it’s so wonderful that he is still enjoying a quality of life and of course he is still my baby.
I’m sure that Buddy is still being thought about and he is being looked after by his angels and I just wanted to thank you and everyone again. We have another check up at vets in 2 weeks so I will give you an update.