How do you know if you’re on the right energy path with your fur baby?
Your Question or Your Story: Am I on the right energy path with my furbabies? — Mike 7/11/14
Dear Mike,
This is a terrific question. We love our pets, and so many times we feel that we are doing the best thing for our fur babies, for example, by feeding them well, taking them for long walks, and having them groomed. However, more importantly is the connection we have with them, that bond that we form with them that allows us to communicate on a deeper level.
Pets feel our emotions because that is how their senses are built. As many of us already know, many animals are able to sense an earthquake, or a similar natural occurrence, before us humans actually realize it. In the same way, our fur babies feel our own energy too and can sense when we are nervous, fearful, anxious and likewise happy, calm, and peaceful. Some have such a keen awareness they can even sense our illnesses! They especially sense your love for them, and in turn love you back tenfold.
I’d like to say that if you are more than just attentive, but loving and caring with your fur babies, taking time out to spend quality time with them, then you are on the right energy path. The bond you share, the enjoyment of your time together, the moments you share are the most fulfilling and healing to your fur baby.
I would also like to add that your fur babies chose you to experience their journey with. It is not by coincidence that you are together. There is so much we can learn from animals when we connect with them on a soul level. Talk to them, send them telepathic messages with positive vibes and good intentions. They will receive them and they will respond. It’s a matter of being open to the experience. And they will sense that openness. It’s a beautiful relationship to have with animals, whether it’s with your domesticated fur babies, pets of all species, or wild animals in nature’s paradise.
I am so glad you asked that question and are willing to share it with others on our blog. I hope I was able to provide you with an answer that resonates with you. Sending hugs and lots of love to your fur babies. Blessings to you.
In your service,
“Spirit Scribe” for Dear Universe/Reiki Fur Babies
I completely agree with all you’ve said here, Lori. I know for a fact that our cat picked us – specifically my son, Jackson. We visited the litter 2 times, and each time the same kitten kept leaving the bunch to head to Jackson. Over and over, we’d put him back with the bunch, and immediately he’d head out. Jackson Jackson Jackson me Jackson Jackson. 3rd time was when he came to live with us, where he continues his extraordinary connection with my autistically gifted son.
He’s survived a fight with a raccoon, the jowls of a big quad ready to eat him, a fierce & uncommon bacteria, botched surgical recovery… and he still keeps coming home every day to be with us… Specifically, my son.
How blessed are we to have fur babies who keep choosing us, day after day, over and over again!