I had such a sense of renewed purpose today. It was like a big AHA moment, like the lights all turned on, and yes, a ton of bricks fell on my head. It was like, do you know what you do,
do you know what you are here on the planet for? You are here for the animals. Yes, the animals. Its been your calling all your life. Your love for the animals. Your dog, Sammy Diva inspired you to learn Reiki. It wasn’t a person, it was your dog. Through your dog, your work expanded to what you are doing now. The attuning of the animals is healing the planet, they in turn are doing their part. Our coaching clients are animal lovers, they are animal healers! Candy and I are helping them get clearer, more grounded so they can do even more work.
We even had a planetary council come and ask Reiki Fur Babies to be on the council, yes to help the animals on the planet during this time of great shifts. How could I forget this? I didn’t forget but I got such a sense of renewal today. A new excitement. A new focus.
Part of me already knew this, subconsciously, I was drawn to all these animal pictures, and animal sayings. Sharing them on our www.facebook.com/reikifurbabies page. Why was I doing this? Because my soul was bringing me back to why I was doing this. Why Reiki Fur Babies even exists.
These two puppies came to me twice today to remind me of what work we can do together. Through Robin’s amazing experience that weekend, these puppies were saved http://reikifurbabies.com/2012/02/21/nathaniel-and-river-are-saved-from-the-marsh/ They reminded me of the power when 2 or more are gathered. Candy and I always work together, we heal together.
My heart is full of gratitude tonight for the sense of renewing.
From Facebook:
Caren Myers Beautiful, Ming. Beautiful post.
Lori Murray Freeman What a great post! That looks like River and Nathaniel. (I hope I remembered their names right). I think of them often.
Love you Ming & Candy!
Ming Chee-Brown Yes Lori exactly !!!!
Ming Chee-Brown Thank you Caren !
Karen Luke Goosic I remember River and Nathaniel
Karen Luke Goosic Do you see the beam of light
Diana Tootell Beautiful!
Linda Hauptfuhrer Wonderful post
Ming Chee-Brown Yes Karen those angels are around them
Ming Chee-Brown Thank you Linda , I barely could eat dinner last night I ran home and just started writing to get it all out after talking to Candy
Karen Luke Goosic Right….I knew you must have noticed
Janice Masters Absolutely!!
Ming Chee-Brown Yes Janice nothing like it !
Jeannette Maw Congrats on the clarity and inspiration!!
Facbook comments:
Coryelle Kramer it’s a wonderful post Ming, I’m loving the clarity
.Ming Chee-Brown Thanks Coryelle appreciate that
Deborah Keeting Adams I remember these pups and have thought about how they are doing since the day they were rescued after many long hours. You and Candy are awesome at what you do. I can attest to it and so do Rogue & Zion from their new vantage point.
Ming Chee-Brown Thanks Deborah its so cool to see so many people that remember them . They literally just visited me yesterday and said hey. We’ll bring healing to many more like them!!
JoyceAnn Nordell Love how we get pulled back and reminded what we’re supposed to be doing!
Ming Chee-Brown yes JoyceAnn good to be reminded every now and again to get that tiger roaring again!!