Some of you long time followers know who Coco is. We have been giving Coco healing since she was adopted by her Mom. She is the funniest dog ever. She would have Candy and I laughing with tears streaming down our faces. She gave us lessons on angels here. You can read all about her too in our book Reiki Fur Babies, there is a chapter just devoted to Coco.
So Mom wanted us to check in with Coco just to see what she was up to. She had us laughing again:
Coco said Coco wondered if you would be visiting Coco again and here you both are! Yes, Coco hears Mom talking about retiring . Mom is tired and Mom will be re tired tomorrow again so why is Mom tiring a good thing?? Okay you will let Mom explain it to Coco but things get lost in translation. Alright thank you for your brief but understandable explanation. No more work? Coco and Mom home? Mom will be taking me to day care no matter what? And Mom wonders why there are no more kisses xxxxx from Coco? Put some cheese spread on your lips and tongue and Coco will never turn away. Kisses are not for free. Coco needs to feel love to give love. A little cheese spread on your lips Mom… ps. Mom, not everyone at day is nice…