Sweet Khole and Kirbe have been our clients for several years. As Kirbe transitioned, it was wonderful to connect with Khole again.
I was wondering if we could schedule a session for Khole. As you know Kirbe passed away back in November and I am wondering how Khole is doing. I know she misses him, for a while she would look for him. Now I think she knows he is not here physically. She pretty much stays in my room unless she is eating or using the litter box but she seems more withdrawn than before. She has always been less social than Kirbe but now it seems even more so. My sister bought her a new circle bed so she could curl up in it but she seems very uninterested in using it. My sister thought it would help her since she doesn’t have Kirbe to curl up with. The months leading up to Kirbe’s death, they didn’t interact very much. I just want to know she is ok and to also check in with her about getting a new companion for her. I am not quite ready but if that is what is best for Khole, I will look into adopting a cat for her. Not a kitten because I think that might be too much energy for her but maybe a cat that is a few years old
Khole said Khole is content just relaxing and connecting to Kirbe’s spirit. Khole feels loved by Mom and peaceful with Khole’s angel too. Khole is fascinated with the smallest events and finds victory in little goals. Mom must decide on another cat. Mom has enough experience to confirm and make a wise decision. Khole is happy with life and these are Mom decisions not Khole’s. Khole’s link and bond is with Mom and all of Mom’s positive energy.
Thank you Ming,