With the transition of Sammy Diva,
I have experienced more new things in 3 weeks than I have in months. Each week has been full of something new, different and lack of a better word, magical. The first thing I noticed is that I could see her and what she was doing while “awake”, not dreaming, not meditating but just thinking about her, and she would come. I would be viewing what she was doing at that time, think of it as turning the TV on and seeing part of a movie. You weren’t sure if it was the beginning, middle or end but a window in.

I have missed her physical presence so much but a deeper knowing of her soul came to my intuition to let her be when I would see her. She allowed me to watch and I did not ask questions. (I was happy to hear from her that she thanked me for allowing her to do her work while I was grieving)
The first week she was off here and there sending healing to people. The second week she was doing a lot of mind blowing galactic work and assisting in the attunements, starting with the wolves (Sammy, named the honorary Cat )that we did as well as the Reiki sessions as well.
The 3rd weed she had completed something big. It wasn’t very often when I tuned into her and I see a happy DANCING dog! That is when I knew she could share .. and that’s when I brought Coryelle on board. What I loved the most is her sharing about what she can do now. How elated her soul is. She said can do so much more now. She has the ability to be in several places at the same time, at different times. She can
walk the stars and walk ON the stars. She has her paws in a lot of pies, doing a lot of things, shifting and changing. It was if she was in a kitchen, with different bowls all at the same time and able to to with confidence. After Reiki Fur Babies and Coryelle Kramer did the attunements, Sammy Diva would add in her magical part.
Sammy Diva recognized how important the attunements are for us now during time we are here on this planet. Things are shifting in all kinds of ways.
I loved what she shared with me was what I had sensed and saw with my own eyes and receiving confirmation from Coryelle was awesome.
Part of me was saying good bye again and it hurt knowing that I was not going to see that physical presence, even Sammy Diva told me to make peace with it. As I was driving home one night, Sammy told me to take
Ry’s stuffed dog and her stuffed rabbit to be my physical presence. I hugged it thinking of Sammy. It did fill a void. She was right.
But the next morning, as I connected to Sammy Diva, I saw her sitting ON a galaxy of stars. It made me SMILE, filled my heart with happiness and I felt so blessed that I could share that magical moment with her.
I know our journey is only just beginning, this part of it.
I love connecting with Sammy D, she always opens my eyes to incredible things. every single time , it’s an honor to talk with her. Still with all the great things she is doing it’s still difficult not to want the physical back. She knows this is something that is challenging for you, but she wants to let you know she is so proud of you and how you are handling it with grace and honesty. You’re amazing, and inspirational my friend.
Thank you Coryelle, I am glad that Sammy Diva could connect with you and put to words all that I saw . Yes, her physical presence is so missed.
Wonderful tears. Thank you for sharing. ((Hugs)) to you, Ming.