For the past few months when we starting attuning people to Reiki, the word magic kept coming to me from the young people that we were attuning. This word magic didn’t really have much of a charge for me either way. BUT hearing it over and over again made me take a second look. One of our new students said she gave healing to flowers and they danced when there was no wind. I think this is my all time most favorite experience shared with me of late.
It puts a huge smile on my face seeing dancing flowers. One day last week, someone said to me, they just wanted to have some “fun”. And I literally heard fairies. And the fairies said they wanted to “play with this particular person”.
When I agreed to it the fairies promised that they would bring magic into their life and for me to see and watch. I was thrilled. When I did receive feedback, I was shocked, amazed and literally giddy. I couldn’t believe it. I intended that the fairies that would work with me would be kind, healing, fun, delightful and bring much joy. They certainly do deliver!! I continued to watch in glee. The fairies just want people to believe in them. Believing in them gives them fuel, gives them power to help the animals, the plants and the planet. I told the fairies, I will definitely help you with your mission as Reiki Fur Babies mission is the same, Animals and Planet- Healing Each Other. What an awesome team we have lined up. One day after talking about the fairies for over an hour………. and the fairies are happy when we talk about them. I promised to tweet, post and talk about them often! That evening we got a request to heal a wild deer. I instantly knew this was from the fairies, there was absolutely no doubt in my mind. I was so excited I told my friends Rhonda (Creative Life Architect) and Coryelle , Animal Communicator. Coryelle asked me if I going to attune all the deer. As soon as she said that, I thought this is what the fairies had in mind, for all deer to be healed.
Not too long afterwards, I got this from Coryelle: Both the Deer and Hawk consciousness when I asked said this “Yes! we have been waiting for you and expecting you we are ready to receive the energy you wish to give us, we will in turn attune our children and they will theirs, we will attune all the other deer around the world, let the first of the attunements begin here!” I just channeled that my hawk sister” That was enough confirmation for me. It then led to a phone call
and the details of how we would attune the deer and the hawk on our planet. September truly will be a magical month. The week of my birthday Coryelle , Candy and I will be sending attunements to the deer and hawks of our beautiful planet. These beings in turn will heal their own families . What a shift for our planet.
And from my friend Karen Goosic, Artist made this beautiful tank top that I just love.
This magic has opened a new world to me, fairies, unicorns, dragons and lepracauns (yes, I have a feeling this will be a whole another story that is unfolding)
We are here to bring light to the planet. Thank you fairies!
I am LOVING this Ming! Your work with the fairies and the animals of the world will bring so much positive energy to it; that it will be like nothing else before. I can’t wait to see how this unfolds, and I couldn’t ask for better people to to it with than you and Candy.