Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!
July was a very exciting month as we attuned two Reiki Masters!
We also attuned Sammy the cat to Reiki Master as well. Sharing his picture on his certificate.
The one thing that we have learned is that when we attune the animals, we know that they are attuned to at least Level 2 where they are able to send distance healing. We have since learned that some of the animals have chosen to be Master. Sammy is one of them. If you are interested in having your animals attuned here is the link.
We also have attuned several Reiki practitioners and here’s the post on the exciting things people have shared with me. Its not just about being able to practice Reiki, its what has been happening in people’s lives, activating the power within them! If you would like to be attuned to Reiki. Here’s the link for Reiki 1 and 2.
Another thing we are starting is a 30 day mentorship program where you can create your personal goals of what you want to learn and achieve. Its a powerful process and will be quite magical!
Speaking of magical, this is what the young Reiki practitioners are calling their abilities and likening it to Hogwarts School Of Magic. We are so inspired we’ll be teaching classes in Living From Spirit University, The Magic of Reiki. Each day we have been posting on our FB page #magic reiki kids and quotes from what they are experiencing!
Closing out with happy news that Pumpkin (missing for 11 days), Mia and Elvis all came home with the assistance of the angels. We are grateful for their help always.
Sending you all a big love cushion of angels!
With Gratitude, Candy and Ming
Sam and I truly can’t thank you enough for changing both of our lives. It’s also made our already stronger relationship even more so, we look forward to doing some incredible healing work together. With sincere love and appreciation Sammy & Coryelle
I was giving thanks today for you and Sammy! We are so happy that we could attune to this wonderful healing energy. We know you and Sammy will bring much healing and light to the world~!