I wanted to let you all know what amazing things are happening with the Reiki Attunements for people. Candy and I have created the attunements to be an easy thing to do. Not the traditional class where you have to memorize a bunch of meditations, symbols and such, however we still teach them. But when you utilize the energy, it flows.
Now even if you have no intention of being a healer, we have found that our attunements have opened up the portals inside of you causing HUGE HUGE shifts within yourself and in YOUR LIFE!! The feed back I’m getting within even just ONE day after the attunement are blowing our minds.
One client after 4 days, can now HEAR her animals. She said it is a blessing come true. She’s also seeing her healing abilities bring healing to even where the barn cats are falling asleep. I’m getting so many pictures of horses and cats all being given Reiki. Its AWESOME!!! Another attuned to Reiki Master created an entire new business with everything falling into place so effortlessly. Another Reiki Master says she feels she is on TURBO mode. Another attuned to Reiki Level 1 and 2, wrote me last night how the right teacher fell into place for her son magically and easily. She’s also able to send healing to her SIL when needed. After attuning to Reiki Master, her cat was also in our Reiki classes. This cat then attuned a HAWK to Reiki Master. The stories just don’t stop.
So if this strikes you at all in something you would like to pursue, I would love to help you and assist you get there. Right now I’m doing personal coaching, one on one…you’ll also get a certificate from Reiki Fur Babies.
Reiki 1 and 2 I believe can be done together, which is a powerful attunement. Reiki 1 $124, Reiki 2 $244 and if you are already attuned to 1 and 2, and you’d like to become a Reiki Master, we’ll open all of those portals within you and the magic will start to flow. I dont think I have been ever so excited ! its $444.
Message me (info@reikifurbabies.com ) if you are interested. Sending you a boatload of blessings and angels,