Jesse is the newest member to Candy’s family. I’m going to write this post from my point of view since Candy is writing one from hers. If you have been following us on FB you’ll see how Jesse has been adjusting to her new forever home. Candy was going to foster her at first but then realized there was an incredible bond. For me, I noticed what a special dog she is. Not only did she come from horrific circumstances, seeing her with Candy was wonderful. Watching her blossom into finding her voice, playing with her first toy, and just seeing her play was and is so heart warming .
So after Lucy’s conversation with Coryelle Kramer, there was some time left over. Candy had just had a scary experience with Jesse being off leash and some odd behavior at home, so I thought what a perfect time to have Coryelle talk to Jesse. Candy did want to know if Jesse was truly happy with her . So many people wanted her. What I did not realize is what I would find out about Jesse and I.
So Jesse shared with Coryelle after getting comfortable that she is a death seer (her words). She is able to know and see when a person is transitioning. She can see auras and vibrations around people. As Jesse starts to work with us more she will be in the healing helping us and showing us where the body will need healing! (What’s so interesting is that Jesse was in nursing home prior to Candy’s so imagine the work Jesse must have felt she needed to do!)
Jesse shared that she has a soul contract with Candy, a very strong bond. With me, she said every past life has to begins somewhere. With me, this is where it begins. Wow, how profound. That blew me away, I did not expect to be a part of this conversation really. But it reminded me when Jesse first came, Candy reminded me how involved I was, wanting what was best for her, interviewing dog walkers etc. She’s right, there is a connection!
Coryelle said, Jesse said she feels like she hit the jackpot. Before she used her gifts to survive another day, now she can use them to heal! Jesse is incredibly happy and does not want to go anywhere. She will do anything to make you happy.
I say to Jesse and Lucy, welcome to Reiki Fur Babies’ healing team!
Jesse, what a beautiful soul you have, and I’m so so happy that you finally won the lottery, you deserve it. Thank you for your trust and for allowing me to share your words.
Ming thank you for this beautiful post and for being an amazing person.
Coryelle, thank you. I’m really looking forward to the journey that Candy, Jesse and I will be on. She’s such a wonderful soul.