Our connection to our animals is so amazing. Over the years I have been learning so much from the animals we send healing to and the animals that I attune. Each session brings in something new. I know that the soul connections are so powerful. Over the past several weeks I have come to know my own dogs in even such a deeper way. Sammy Diva, my yellow lab, she is totally my heart. From the first day I met her to her being 13 now. I saw some her of behavior change recently and thought it was her physically changing so I was concerned. I had her taken to the Vet for her exam and even the Vet said she was doing great. Her hips have been doing well over the years with all the regular healing that I have been giving her. But she started to bark more at what I thought was “nothing”. Sammy Diva has always been quiet so this was a concern.
After Coryelle Kramer helped connect to the visiting hawks , I thought to ask her to talk to Sammy Diva. Her session with her brought tears to my eyes. Some of what she shared was that Sammy Diva is a highly ascended master being here many lifetimes. Even if you don’t believe in past lives, I know that what was shared by Sammy Diva completely resonated with me. Sammy Diva was started to see other planes, other worlds, spirit animals and angels. She was excited about this and wanted me to know. She knew the barking would get my attention and she was right. Sammy Diva’s vibration is high which I mistook for “dementia”. Sammy Diva has asked me not to talk of this anymore which we have stopped completely using this word. She has loved this journey if up to her she’d have it go on for another millenium but she knows rationally that is not possible but she wants you to know and She said this has been the only life time where there will be a sadness when it is over but she will take away an amazing experience, extreme amount of proud, light, deliciousness in all that she has done with you. She would choose to have it continue another millenium but knows it cannot. However she says I’m not going anywhere yet!!
From FB:
Reiki Fur Babies Yes Linda Hauptfuhrer I cant even call them dogs anymore. Profound beings. My journey with Sammy Diva is even more precious. (good thing no “dementia” that word is no longer said :))
Like · Reply · 1 · 43 minutes ago..
Linda Hauptfuhrer Ohhh Sammy Diva! You are such a wise soul.
Unlike · Reply · 2 · 52 minutes ago..
Reiki Fur Babies Yes very, JoyceAnn Nordell Miller , amazing…
Like · Reply · about an hour ago..
JoyceAnn Nordell Miller Ah, wise pupper!
Unlike · Reply · 1 · 2 hours ago..
Brandie Younce Fabulous!
Unlike · Reply · 1 · 39 minutes ago..
Tina Talley Too funny
I feel blessed to have been given the opportunity to connect and talk with Sammy Diva, The sharing was a beautiful and powerful experience and I’m so SO glad to have been a part of it. I send much love to you both.
Thank you Coryelle, we are blessed that you have broadened our experience together. For that , we’ll always be grateful.
this is so touching, it made me cry and i am reading this at work
Sorry it made you cry. It made me cry too. But it has strengthened the bond even more when I didnt think I could make it any stronger!
From FB:
Reiki Fur Babies Thank you Luna Horan !!
Like · Reply · about a minute ago..
Reiki Fur Babies Deborah Keeting Adams Glad you posted! I meant to tell you that Rogue has been saying hello. Often times I’ll see his name on a sign or a dog that passes by me in a car and it looks like him. I ask him to join me in every healing session! Thank God Sammy slept till 5am, this 3 and 4am is a no no
Like · Reply · 29 minutes ago..
Deborah Keeting Adams Reading Sammy Diva’s message gave me a lump in my throat & an ache in my heart for my Rogue. Great job Sammy D!
Unlike · Reply · 1 · 30 minutes ago via mobile..
Luna Horan Sammy D! Blessings to you all.