Katie is 25 years old! What a wise and intuitive horse she is. She lives near Rudy, the miniature donkey. They were in the same Reiki class. We laughed when Katie shared about being so happy about Rudy.. Here’s Katie’s birthday session if you want to read her last one. But here’s what she shared after her attunement!
Katie said, can you tell Rudy is thrilled with Rudy’s new never ending talent? Katie just feels such joy inside to know Rudy is painting the farm and all the visitors “well”. Katie feels more connected about Katie’s healing energy abilities. Maybe its Katie’s nature to pace Katie at a speed that Katie will succeed. Katie will be drawing upon the healing for Katie and whenever Mom is around Katie will shower her with lots of the healing energy. Katie does enjoy this feeling of calm and peace from within that Katie felt after each session. Katie does practice, often!