As you may have heard J, Lani and I are traveling and are currently at my family home in North Carolina. I think the new surroundings have been a little strange for Lani and I was wondering if you and Candy can look in on her.
We are staying with my sister and her two little terriers, Boomer and Taz. It has been an adjustment for Lani and one of the little dogs isn’t making it real easy for her. She marked inside, but we suspect it’s because she smelled where other dogs have done the same. I also think she’s a bit taken aback by the size of this house. It’s much larger than she has ever experienced.
Lani said, Lani has been having fun with Mom and Dad on an adventure together. Lani has more family now, Boomer and Taz who are not as happy as Lani about meeting and sharing space in this vast home together. Lani just looks to Lani’s own family and takes Lani’s cues from them. When they are tense, Lani feels the tension too. Families are great yet Lani is happiest with Lani’s tight love family, because the connection is so amazing. Lani will relax and also assist with the energy healing work because Lani knows it comes from within.
Lani has been doing great since the session. Thank you again! The evening of the session Boomer, one of the little terriers, had a tough time being nice to Lani. Lani understands the barking and snapping are because Boomer is afraid. She responds by staying as clear of Boomer as she can (smart doggie). Things are improving.
Thanks so much for this and everything you do. It made a difference.
From FB:
Brandie Younce Lovely
Barbara Thompson What a sweet face!