We had attuned Salem. Amazing that he still shares his healing with his Mom and himself. Here’s his attunement !
A few days ago, Salem spiked a fever and stopped eating. After inconclusive x-rays and blood work, our veterinarian performed an exploratory surgery and found that Salem has a mass about 1.5 inches in diameter behind his spleen. It has metastasized and cannot be removed or Salem would bleed into his abdomen. As it is, he is already leaking blood into his abdomen.
I chose to bring Salem home (he comes home tomorrow) and give him palliative care. I don’t know how I’ll get through this without falling apart, but I love him so dearly – he’s half of my heart.
Salem said Salem knows how sad Mom is feeling. Salem will be healing Mom’s heart everyday. Salem cannot replace this body that Salem is inside. Mom- look and remember it’s ME- Salem, no matter what the body does our souls SOAR beyond this. Salem sees the spirit animals and angels, this feels peaceful. Salem continues to heal Salem’s self. Yes, Salem is happy and always feels in harmony with all the good feelings that continuously blanket Salem. Salem focuses on this moment with Mom and the grateful feelings of contentment Salem feels every day in Salem’s home. Salem is so happy to be here at home.
Salem truly relaxed into his session last night. It was the first time he had relaxed since we brought him home – he was very peaceful and even managed a little bit of a purr. He looks much better this morning; he even jumped into bed and snuggle against my legs for some Reiki Share. He has a special look about him when we share Reiki – very peaceful with a far-away look in his eyes, ears forward and a touch of a purr (even this morning).
He is drinking his water well, but he has not eaten since last Friday and still does not seem interested. I will continue to offer him everything I can think to. Hopefully he will eat when he recovers a little more. He is on a rather extensive protocol of medications – for the next few days we will be giving him five injections and three oral meds every day, and those will dwindle down and be finished by Tuesday. Then we’ll see…
I feel that Salem is not quite ready to give in to this, so I will fight with him until he tells me otherwise. In the meantime, we will try to send him lot of Reiki and lots of love.
Thank you for everything,