How can I say this. Emma is going to get her period and she is having terrible PMS and tomorrow is her 7th birthday. She’s wandering around with a stuffed animal baby in her mouth and panting and whimpering and will only eat a few bites if I hand feed her.
I asked her do I need to call Dr. Candy and Dr. Ming because you have PMS and she said yes. I said Emma, it’s PMS not a dreaded disease. Seriously? She said yes.
So can you help our princess with the period to be? Poor baby so wants to be a mom.
The reason she’s not spayed is because she has missing radii in her arms and the orthopedic surgeon said keep her intact, she needs the estrogen.
Emma said Emmas sees and feels everybody coming to surround Emma today! Yes, Emma we told her, Happy Birthday from all of us, at Archangels along with your own guardian angel are here to assist you with your energy healing. Its your birthday from Mom, Dad and Saul. Emma said Emma feels so loved by everybody. Even Saul is trying to help Emma feel better. Emma just feels Emma’s tummy sore and Emma’s body is not at peace. Emma was doign the healing from within but got disoriented or out of sorts because of the hurt. Emma likes the soothing that everyone is doing to Emma’s body. Emma needs to focus on relaxing and peaceful feelings in all Emma’s muscles and joints. Emma loves the feeling surrounding Emma. A coccoon of love, protection and compassion, a swaddling of concern just like the connection coming from Mom and Dad.
After the session Mom wrote: Euphoric mood and carb cravings and cramps but no more panting and misery! I guess the Reiki Midol helped!!”
From FB: Sara L. Stein, M.D. She’s much better!
Deborah Keeting Adams Poor Emma, I am glad the Reiki helped. What a sweetheart.
Reiki Fur Babies Very glad for the update Sara L. Stein, M.D. Thank you!