> Hey ladies!
> I am thinking Abby would be a wonderful candidate for this.
Imagine hearing a dog laughing. This is Abby. Mom says Abby is always happy. Here’s her last post with us. Candy heard her laughing. Abby was wonderful this week. We even practiced sending healing to Mom since she was feeling under the weather. See what Abby said about her Mom and her sister Maisy!! Too sweet.
Abby said Abby is very excited because now Abby can be the helper. Abby can heal Abby , Mom and Maisy! Abby is healing everyone that Abby can because Abby feels a calmness whenever Abby is doing the healing energy. For Abby its very peaceful and the connection is powerful and spiritual. Abby wants Abby’s home and family to have all the energy healing and feel good. Abby likes feeling the deep connection within when healing.
Mom had posted that Abby was even more kissy after her attunement. Mom said:
That’s my girl! Thank you so much for teaching her and sharing what she had to say. I love that she is excited to help.
Much love and blessings to you guys (and give the puppers smooches for me),
Comments from FB:
Phil Vincent Peluso sweet pooch
JoyceAnn Nordell Miller I am so proud of her! She has been working on her sis, Maisy, and has been helping me too. Last night we went to sleep snuggling and sending out healing together. Thank you Ming and Candy!!!
Reiki Fur Babies Oh that is so awesome JoyceAnn Nordell Miller tell Abby we are so proud of her such a good healer!!
Comments from FB:
Bobbi Risch Mullen If dogs could speak…
Reiki Fur Babies Bobbi Risch Mullen did you read Abby’s blog on what she did say?
JoyceAnn Nordell Miller The face in that pic says “Mama, I really need that treat you have in your hand….”
Reiki Fur Babies LOL then there you go, Mama would know what Abby is saying here. JoyceAnn Nordell Miller !!
Bobbi Risch Mullen Yes I did. I was thinking of my fur babies
Reiki Fur Babies ah I see Bobbi Risch Mullen !!
From FB:
JoyceAnn Nordell Miller Love my baby girl! She’s been good about practicing her Reiki, now that she’s been attuned.
Brandie Younce Sweet!
Reiki Fur Babies Thanks for the update on Abby JoyceAnn Nordell Miller what a sweetheart!! Glad she is still practicing!!