It was wonderful to attune these 4 sisters. Shmello, Penny, Tribble and Puffy. (left to right) What awesome little healers they are. I decided to put all 4 of their responses together.
Shmello said Shmello said so much is happening to all in Shmello’s family. Lessons and sessions for all. Yes Shmello understood how important this ability to heal is and will be. Shmello keeps doing the work and practicing the healing. Shmello has been healing within to use the energy and fine tune the control of the direction of the healing energy. Shmello really was so happy when Shmello’s guardian angel arrived also just to be with Shmello.
Penny said Penny, Shmello, Tribble and Puffy are all busy with the healing energy work. Lots to remember and do. Penny is getting and giving healing daily. Penny can feel the excitement in our home because of the energy our family carries and transports to others. Penny’s family can work together to make such positive changes. Penny is so glad to be able to have this ability to participate . Penny does also appreciate the special feeling Penny’s guardian angel is always showering on Penny.
Tribble said Tribble feels elevated by these lessons . The information that Tribble has acquired has allowed Tribble to access new horizons. Tribble feels so much bigger than Tribble’s size because of Tribble’s ability to help and heal ,others. Tribble has been directing this healing energy all over. Through walls, windows , neighborhoods because Tribble realizes healing energy can go anywhere in time and space. amazing to affect so many in such a beneficial way.
Puffy said Puffy is listening as each member of our family shares the experience of this new ability Puffy, Shmello, Penny and Tribble mow have. Puffy does believe Puffy may have had some of this ability already inside but it is dormant and needs the lessons and Attunement to activate it inside Puffy and the others. This is just Puffy’s own observation nothing more. Puffy has been healing with Shmello, Penny and Tribble and are trying to create rules for play. In between Puffy first just relaxes into some healing wrapped in Puffy’s guardian angel where it’s very peaceful.
From FB:
Brandie Younce I love it! And Puffy knew this was something she already had inside of her Way to go!
Reiki Fur Babies yes Brandie Younce , they are amazing. Each said something similar yet different. Tribble being the oldest we thought was amazing what she said.
From Twitter:
Alice Langholt@ReikiAwakening
@reikifurbabies Thank you so much! What a cute response to their attunements & training! xo