Thanks Ming and Candy! This session is for Dixie, my 14-month old Belgian Sheepdog puppy. I’ll send over a picture. She seems to be unusually shy around people, especially when I have the leash. we have her entered at the Cow Palace dog show this weekend and I want to see if she has anything she wants to say about this little “issue” 🙂 Our breed standard says that they are aloof with strangers as most herding breeds are due to their job of protecting the flock and home and family but she is taking it to the extreme 🙂 Thanks!
Dixie said (it took a little coaxing before Dixie would talk once Candy said Mom has asked she then engaged) Dixie just doesn’t like strangers or new people. Dixie takes time to get to know and trust a person . Dixie just is Dixie and can’t run up to people and be all over a new being. Who knows what reaction that would create? Dixie does try to sense and pay close attention to Mom so Dixie can pick up the right correct reactions the ones that will please mom and make Mom happy with Dixie. When Mom hesitates then Dixie is so unsure that Dixie believes it is best to do nothing when in doubt , stop, wait , proceed with caution.
Candy told Dixie yes we understand how and why you behave just this way. We want to suggest that you relax more and be open to meeting new people. We will help you with this .
Update: I took Dixie to our herding ranch for some socialization and she was much braver and more outgoing with the people 🙂
Thanks again!
Update from Mom today about Dixie: Hi Ming,
Just a quick note to say that Dixie was really good with the judge this morning!