Mom wanted us to send healing to these two miniature hamsters who all of a sudden started fighting. It was interesting to hear from both of them!
Here’s Digger, the one that fought with Chubby Cheeks. Digger actually explains what happened.
Digger says its called instinct. That is why Digger bit Chubby Cheeks a few times. It’s a reaction not to Chubby Cheeks but it comes out of Digger, like a sneeze, it just happens. Digger is sure Chubby Cheeks is correct with it being about “males” about one needing to be in charge of the nest. Digger is not mad at Chubby Cheeks . Chubby Cheeks is not mad or sad at Digger. Digger and Chubby Cheeks run on high octane energy. Is healing energy faster? More powerful? Wow, cool! A big strong guardian angel to follow Digger and help Digger whenever Digger calls? Yahoo! Now this is going to be good for Digger . Jack will really be so happy with Digger and Chubby Cheeks and now two guardian angels helping out! Way cool!