We have so enjoyed Coconut and Licorice over the years. They are so funny. They make us laugh . Who knew that Coconut would now be holding classes himself?!! Amazing!
From Mom:
Coconut could feel you working here with Blueberry who seemed in bliss. Coconut felt the energy healing and allowed it to penetrate all the areas of Coconut that were calling it in. Now Blueberry and Licorice are here absorbing the energy healing from Coconuts session. Three sessions each – Merry Happy Everything. Thanks Mom! Blueberry and Licorice are doing their healing all around the world, Coconut is sure. Coconut is here holding sessions for healing here in Coconuts home. The angels come along with many spirit animals . Of course Blueberry and Licorice have attended a few sessions also. Coconut brings so much more excitement to a session that at times our home is filled with eager participants. Oh my ear? That happened during a class in the beginning there was too much excitement residing with in Coconut. Heal heal heal can come within. Mom message Coconut is ready to go when Coconut goes.