Hi Ming,
Sorry to bother you again but I’ve changed my mind, can we set-up Jeremy’s Reiki appointment as soon as possible? He’s having a tough time with all these meds and is stressed out. His appetite has gone down hill and I’m quite concerned about him.

Jeremy said Jeremy thought Jeremy was talking to another angel because you feel like Jeremy’s guardian angel. You are just there surrounding Jeremy with this feeling of love and kindness. For Jeremy it’s like a purr of pleasure to be bathed in this sensation of good, nice , calm and relaxing. Jeremy has lots more activity going on because mom wants Jeremy to be and stay well , healthy and happy. Jeremy just sees all this new stuff coming into Jeremy and Jeremy’s body feels jumpy from some of the stuff- so Jeremy doesn’t want to pile more stuff on top of the jumpy feeling inside.
Hi Ming,
Thank you for the session, Jeremy was soaking up the energy! It left him very calm and relaxed.
The decision was made to take him off the antibiotic and the one heart med that was causing his skin to react. I still need to clean the irritated area and put ointment on it but it seems to be healing nicely. He’s still not eating. He does like the kitten milk I bought for him and laps that up and had a few treats last night and that is more than he’s eaten in the past couple of days so that’s something. We’ve decided to put him on an appetite stimulant because he’s gone a while without eating. Hopefully, between taking him off the extra meds and getting back to normal routine, the appetite stimulant will jump start him back to his regular appetite.
I’m glad he thinks I’m his guardian angel but I’ll tell you what I told him… he’s my guardian angel!