overflowing for Ming and Candy.
I called a couple of friends and asked them to have healing thoughts for Zoomers while you were doing that thing you do.
A few hours later he came back up onto my bed to settle. He made that “ah-ah-ah-ah-ah” cry a number of times, though neither Jackson nor I were touching him. Similar thing with the hisses, although at the time I thought he was talking to somebeing I couldn’t see.
Zoomers said Zoomers could feel the healing energy and all the angels started moving around maybe they were dancing! Zoomers was and is ready for your help and healing. Zoomers needs to begin this healing process so Zoomers can jump and follow my family. Zoomers will use the healing energy from within Zoomers to help with healing Zoomers every day. Yes, Zoomers knows how to draw it into the sore painful places in Zoomer’s body. Now Zoomers feels more back in control. Zoomers family wants to get Zoomers strong so that everyone in Zoomers family is happy again.
I had started writing you an email just minutes before this arrived – not long after 6, he laid out fully, head turned under to expose that sweet spot under his chin. During the session, he made that cooing sound I adore so much, sweet sighs of love, comfort, gratitude & appreciation – I’m certain his pain has eased, at least for a while.