Weaning is when the mare and foal are separated, usually out of sight and hearing distance of each other. In this case, Orion will be going on a horse trailer out to Utah. I have always been a proponent of this type of weaning. There are a couple other methods that draw the process out over a longer period of time, but I liken it to taking a bandaid off… you can either pull it off slowly so it only hurts a little bit over a long period or you can yank it off quickly so it hurts more, but only for a short period of time. The theory is that a mare’s connection to their foal is hormonal, because most mares will not be overly friendly to their foal if they are reunited after weaning. I don’t know exactly what I believe about this. I guess I just want Stella to know what’s coming and that Orion will continue to be in excellent care… I’ve never really considered what a mare’s thought process about weaning is.
Stella said Stella is feeling so good more fit and even stronger. Stella has Orion now and Stella is watching over Orion. Mom gave Orion the name and Stella is happy with everything Mom chooses to do for Stella or Orion. Candy told Stella, Stella we are giving you some reiki healing throughout your body Stella, this will just make Stella feel tuned up Stella has been doing a great job of drawing upon Stella’s own healing energy whenever Stella has needed the energy. Stella, your Mom wants to make you aware that Orion will be moving to another home where Orion will be loved, cared for and protected. We are sending a guardian angel to Orion today to stay with Orion always and Orion’s angel will make the journey with Orion. Mom chose a wonderful place for Orion to live and grow. Stella always believes Mom makes these decisions because Mom loves and cares for Stella and Orion and will choose what Mom believes is best.
Thank you so much! You guys do so much to help all my furbabies…. It makes me feel better knowing Orion will have a guardian angel for his long journey. I had sensed Stella had been very happy lately so it is good to hear that in her own words.
Mom wrote today: They are doing well! I am starting to put Stella back to work, and she seems to have adjust very well back to life as a ‘single’ horse! Orion is doing fantastic! He is getting to experience so many new things like walking through a creek and going to new places. My friend says he is really doing awesome.