This morning Candy and I were chatting about Sandy and how the animals have been affected. So many people are helping in so many different ways. Candy told me the animals were giving blood to the animals in need! Wow! Then it came, Candy said lets pick a time to send healing to all the animals that need it that have been affected by Sandy! I said let’s bring in the healers and not just any of the healers that will join us but the ATTUNED animal healers! We just finished
Reiki Class 11.
We will send healing to each and every fur baby that has been affected by Sandy. Angels will go to everyone. Please post their name and/or picture on our
On 11/12/12 at 6pm pacific time Reiki Fur Babies and their healing team of powerful animal healers will send healing to every animal affected by Sandy!
Join us as well!
With gratitude,
Ming & Candy
YAY!!! Elvis will be there with bells on, I’m sure. 🙂
Awesome. Powerful healer that Elvis!!
From FB:
Deborah Keeting Adams Shared with information needed to pass along to me so I can get it to you guys.
Awakening The Divine Within I love that you are doing this! I already posted it on my page and I will help however I can! Question…what about the animals that we don’t have names or pics for? I bet there are a lot of unidentified animals out there that need help too. What can we do for them?
Reiki Fur Babies Awakening The Divine Within I just talked with Candy about that last night, what we will do for the animals with no names, we will send to the entire area. We will be doing “intentional” healing with the angels and Archangels. No one will be left out. …