Suvi is in her new home, she’s in the same home as Kassu! (See Kassu’s link embedded below) Mom wanted us to reassure Suvi that she is in her forever home: A bit shy and scared. She was to be shy and a bit slow to trust humans, but I have given her reiki (I”m a beginner level1 practitioner) and she has turned out to be very loving to us much sooner than anyone could have guessed. But she is still shy and has things she is scared of (of course she has only been with us very short time, but I wish her the best start to begin to trust). And she is scared of Kassu when he comes close (very kind and SO curious about this new girl). She doesn”t mourn or hiss so much to him anymore (they”ve only seen each other couple of times and every meeting goes better at first until she begins to fear again), but I really hope she would learn to trust Kassu (who has never shown anything but kindness to Suvi no matter how much noise or hissing she has done to him. perfect gentleman :).
Suvi said Suvi wonders where you are. Suvi can feel your energy because its like Kassu’s. So Suvi is not hiding from you, Suvi is here. Suvi hears the words “forever home” but Suvi is still strange with understanding that Suvi wants to be home but is cautious about this. Suvi is learning to trust all the kindness that is always being showered on Suvi, Kassu and Tyyne. This feels really safe watching and feeling all this kind treatment. Its new for Suvi so Suvi will learn how to react, relax and relish this forever home. Suvi does find the energy Kassu is always sending so blissful that Suvi is allowing more and more to surround and blanket Suvi. Suvi believes this is healing Suvi too. Candy told Suvi we have sent you your own guardian angel that will always be with you. Your angel will love and protect you forever and be there to hear your songs, meows and bring joy to you. You are loved, Suvi, relax and enjoy each moment with your family.
Thank you again for your healings 🙂 I was in the same room with her at the time of the session and first she was washing herself on the floor but soon came to my lap and was so overly purring and headbutting that she didn’t know how to be 🙂 She is such a wonderful girl and I wish her all the best so she’ll begin to trust her forever home. And thank you for giving her a guardian angel of her own 🙂