Mom wrote us about Leo:
Extreme anxiety while restrained… necessary for nail and beak grooming and for vet exams. He hyperventilates, and actually faints!!!
Addiction to high fat foods like cheese, and other people food. Has a tantrum when denied.
Happy?? Notice that he preens a lot…. worry that it will lead to feather plucking. He is bathed regularly.
Physical issues: Priority is the vaso-vagal response. It pains me to see him faint like that. He needs a vet check-up, and I”m procrastinating because of it. This response has been present now for four years. Started when Hubby and I tried to trim his talons ourselves… I think Jerry had too tight a pressure on his thorax. No diaphragm… they need chest muscles to breathe. Rescue Remedy did not help.
I think he is itchy…. alarming. Could be due to him not wanting to eat good foods… but wants things bad for him. (Yeah… our fault!) He”s really like a human toddler!!
He is on no medications. He is offered Milk Thistle seeds on occassion
Leo said Leo was joined by Leo’s own guardian angel all week long. Leo likes the attention , love and protection Leo’s angel provides Leo. Leo just feels wonderful when the angel surrounds Leo. Leo cannot understand the words you are trying to communicate to Leo, passing out? Leo cannot remember this Leo has a huge fear of being tied down and not having the freedom to move around so Leo finds leaving Leo’s body behind helps Leo survive the torture of this treatment. Leo does the best Leo can in this difficult circumstance. Candy says to Leo, Leo we are going to reboot your brain and then check everything. Once you are rebooted and running smoothly we will help erase the trauma of past memories of past grooming or being held while being treated or cared for. Leo you will be relaxed and open to the groomers and handlers that care for you. Leo we will also help reduce your craving aka addiction for high fat cheese . You will begin to dislike the taste of the cheese snack. Leo said Leo will never not love all the cheese in the refrigerator. Cheeses are the foods Mom and Dad fill Leo with and now there are thoughts of no more cheese? Why? well Leo cannot wait to taste the cheese replacements. Leo loves Leo’s family , home and life. Leo knows and feels that Leo is with a kind and loving Mom and Dad who keep Leo entertained for hours every day. Time to rest and reflect for the day…
That’s hilarious!!! I did buy him soy and almond cheese substitutes. He picked at it, then flung it!. He can “see around the corner” into the kitchen. When we unwrap cheese, he starts running his beak up and down the bars… keeps it up till he gets a piece. Well… I must be more stringent in the cheese substitute. And I try to substitute a lower fat cheese , rather than a cheddar. Oh, Leo… you’re such a spoiled brat! Can’t wait to see how he does with the next “restraining” episode.
I knew when his angel came. He was looking upwards a lot, saying “Hmmmm?” And he seemed much more social this past week.
Todays session… for the first five minutes, he was rubbing his beak all over his soft cotton perches. Then he sat quietly, grinding his beak. Parrots do this when they are content… like just before falling asleep at night.
Still can’t get over his cheese comments. Ming, we DON’T fill him with cheese. He gets a home cooked warm meal every morning… sprouted brown rice with mixed veggies in it. Fresh fruit in season. He loves pomegranates, pricley pear cactus fruit, broccoli. Of course… all this is cast aside if he hears a cheese wrapper. So… I am trying to wean him off, but it’s like a dog owner with treats…(I know one who gives a treat if the dog goes potty outside.) And it’s doubly hard if Dad is a cheese freak. (sigh)
From FB:
María Franco 😀
J.L. Gall Hi vibrancy shows not only through his coloring but just the energy he seems to give off.