I wanted to share with all of you this little roller coaster ride I have been on because I’m positive you will be able to relate. I’m on track-I’m doing the work-I’m staying motivated-I’m focused- I’m only working with good intentions. It’s all working, I’m on my way to my big shift- my move – my new address- letting go and taking the decisive steps forward with an open my mind and heart. Then you can see it coming the wall -I hit going 75 + miles an hour. Whew! That took the breath out of me and knocked me down.
Yeah the tears came and went just as quickly. This is a moment for me to learn some of the lessons I’m so good at teaching others. Big breaths, no blaming, let it go and give it over to God. I can now see all this for what it is; a disappointment. This reminds me, it’s NOT a diagnosis of anything. I became too attached to the outcome. I spent the rest of the day, and evening staying very quiet, so I could hear my inner voice. I was able to go so deep, and pullout some long forgotten painful memories I thought were dead, and buried. How strange human behavior is when it can trigger a painful response from childhood that is always just under the surface of our happiness. For me the silence allows the messages to be heard from my inner voice that at times is suffocated by my daily activity. I’m in constant motion,and that doesn’t permit enough time for personal reflection, which can lead to more understanding. One step forward two steps back.. lol
I now have my tool box out, and I’m using every available guide to give me assistance on this journey. I will continue to meditate, set intentions, pray, write, find my balance, and know that it will be what it is suppose to be. I found this whole process has given me a new and greater peace within, and so I am grateful for the disappointment.
Robin Santos Amazing reminder— grateful for candy for sharing!
10 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 2
Deborah Keeting Adams What a wonderful reminder. Thanks for sharing those great words of wisdom Candy
9 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 2
Erin Tierney I can soooo relate. Dear Candy Blessings to you!!