Elvis really got to Candy. She was in tears so touched by what Elvis shared. Elvis searching the Universe for something that he could do for his gratitude towards Mom. We love that he calls his attunement a tool box. His Mom shared this their communication was “heightened” , changed . Yes, their connection has been enhanced even more! We love that Elvis sees how much his Mom helps people and animals. He wants to be Mom’s “partner” in all of this! Elvis’ Mom fosters many animals and helps many people! (Jeannette Maw , Good Vibe University: privilege and honor to know you and attune your wonderful cat to energy healing!) Candy said Elvis needs to GVU’s mascot or made partner!
Elvis said Elvis is very grateful the Universe heard Elvis’ pleas for my tools to assist in Elvis’ work here. Elvis found the attunement to be the tool box of what was needed to carry Elvis to another dimension of healing and caring. Elvis has always felt a very strong connection to Mom. Mom is kind, caring and has always been able to speak to Elvis’s soul. A deep understanding resides between us and Elvis has been searching the Universe for opportunities to show Elvis’s love and gratitude in return. A purr and cuddling wasn’t enough for Elvis so when the attunement came so did all the capabilities for Elvis to become more. Elvis has been doing lots of self healing every day and now connecting Mom with Elvis’s healing energy has been what Elvis wanted and needed to do before Elvis ever knew there was a way to do this. Elvis also realizes this has opened a treasure chest of goodies for Elvis to work with. Elvis and Mom always find others who need care and healing. Now Mom has a real partner in all of her amazing work. Elvis has always been able to “see” what a gift my Mom is not just to Elvis but to so many others, now she has Elvis to assist.
I love that you made this available to our fur babies! I think Elvis is enjoying putting his new healing skills to work – but I’m wondering how I can get the dogs to let him do his thing. (He keeps walking up to the dogs like he expects them to stay put and be grateful for his attention, but Sadie lifted her lip at him yesterday (!), Joe ran away from him, and just now Sadie gave him a big fat paw in the face. So rude!!)
Omgosh, here’s Elvis now following Sadie through the yard after she gave him that big paw. I at least got Russ to be more cooperative – what do I do about the dogs?
And also, could the other cats be jealous?
Elvis is NOT going to give up his new ability. He’s practicing on every one now LOL. Whether
he gets swatted or not. Sadie and Joe may not want his healing now, but Elvis can practice on them
when they are sleeping and soon he will know he doesnt even have to touch them to send it. Funny,
imagining the dogs running away from the cat! Elvis just figures well these are the family members
so he’ll start there 😉
Yes, actually cats can be jealous now that after we attuned Blueberry the betta fish that could
toss energy out from his fishtank to the cats. Coconut had to be attuned because he said he did not
like secrets. He’s the one that sends healing to his litter box to electricfy it 🙂
Just let the dogs be. You know in the animal world, they all work it out some how. Better than we do. Elvis is awesome.
From FB:
Rachel Tolley Beitiful x
about an hour ago · UnlikeLike · 1
Lisa Mayers Elvis!!! We always knew you are a very special kitty! Looking forward to feeling even more of your energy at GVU ♥. Purrrr!
53 minutes ago · UnlikeLike · 1
Deborah Keeting Adams Wow, I am not a “cat” person but Elvis sounds like an incredible cat!
about a minute ago · UnlikeLike · 1
Reiki Fur Babies Deborah Keeting Adams Candy wasn’t a “cat” person either until we started giving them healing. They are truly incredible beings. 🙂
From FB:
Deborah Keeting Adams I have met a few incredible cats in my day, but have always preferred dogs.
Laura Gevanter Cats ROCK!
Reiki Fur Babies haha Laura Gevanter how was Monkey Boy during class tonight.. he’s been such a good student!
Lea Pihlman Go, Elvis, go! I call all my different energy systems also with the word “spiritual toolbox”. I see Elvis has the same vocabulary than I have. :o}
Reiki Fur Babies love that Lea Pihlman , spiritual toolbox is a good word!