Beaumont is on one very special journey, rescued from being left a Mall, but now living a wonderful life with his Mom. They are so connected. Now attuned to Reiki , the connection is even super charged! Yay for Beaumont!
Beaumont said Beaumont felt the connection and the attunement immediately. Beaumont was tuned into everything that was happening to Beaumont. Beaumont always feels safe because Mom was at Beaumont’s side. Beaumont always felt a strong connection to Mom and now with the attunement its supercharged. Beaumont likes Dad too yet Beaumont knows its Mom Beaumont belongs to and with. Beaumont always knows Mom is Beaumont’s real life angel because Beaumont can tell the difference. Beaumont has a guardian angel also. So Beaumont is tuned into the difference. Guardian angel keeps Beaumont aware of all the things Beaumont should be knowing, seeing and hearing. Mom feels Beaumont’s soul the way Beaumont feels Mom’s soul. Even Mom speaks no words Beaumont can hear the chatter from Mom. Beaumont always can feel when Mom feels sad, mad and hurt deep inside. That upsets Beaumont the most because Beaumont loves Mom and wants to make her happy. Beaumont will be using all this healing energy to heal Mom and Dad.
From FB:
David Deborah Johnston ♥
about an hour ago · UnlikeLike · 1
Deborah Keeting Adams What a sweet boy… glad he is now safe in a forever home.
about an hour ago · UnlikeLike · 1
Brandie Younce I love the bit about his Dad!
about an hour ago · UnlikeLike · 1