Coconut is such an amazing cat, he’s always been hanging out with the angels and spirit animals. He’s got a great Mom that is very intuned to him as well so we knew this would be a fun week getting feedback from her as she observed Coconut while he was practicing this week after his attunement. The following story about Coconut doing deep breathing and practicing on a raccoon is marvelous!!
I had a cookie jar full of almonds and those worms/moths invaded so I tossed them out on the porch. Of course, a raccoon came to claim some. Sometimes they come around and there is kitty excitement — they either get spooked or they’re rather curious about it. This time Licorice wasn’t impressed and walked away but Coconut sat at the screen door and started that deep, deep breathing! I didn’t see the raccoon bliss out…he was busy…but I suspect Coconut was up to some practicing. I told him it was a good opportunity!
Then this morning there was some disturbance that I missed the beginning of and the kitties were having a battle. Coconut wanted to be left alone! And Licorice had some white fur in his mouth so there you have it. Coconut was rather perturbed and I had to keep pushing Licorice away from him. I was saying to Coconut Don’t forget to practice! You have this reiki energy so use it! Hello?! Reiki! Remember? Then I told Blueberry to help out (he saw the whole thing!). Pretty soon he snuggled up on the couch and became very light and he looked at me like, Okay, thanks for the reminder.

Still a student!
Few days later, Mom noted he was in his meditative state: He went more to the introspective route last night…he was very still in his quite spot…kind of with his eyes open so I actually leaned in close to make sure he was still with us! He is, of course. And again this morning, very introspective. And a little bit of the deep breathing (he makes these noises where I can tell something deep is going on inside him…not like when he snores!).
Then getting Coconut’s thoughts were the absolute best!!! He made us laugh so hard. And yes, you can Reiki “things” In fact, Candy said yesterday she’d like to hire Coconut to work on her computer! 🙂
Well after Blueberry the betafish got attuned, Mom thought that Coconut may have been upset that he had not.. sure enough Mom was right… read on:
Coconut said, Coconut knows fish gotta swim , well Coconut needs to be a part of the equation too. Coconut doesn’t like the feeling of being left out or not knowing the secret you are sharing. Coconut now knows and how this wonderful energy works. Coconut does agree that Coconut did not use the best communication skills to relate this to Mom (peeing on the bed..Mom you were right!) on what Coconut wanted or needed. Now Coconut is a healing energy machine– the furniture feels energized. Coconut is sure the cat box and litter is electric with energy. Coconut likes healing THINGS along with creatures. Variety is a fun process for Coconut. Coconut does meditate with the healing energy and directs all the energy wherever Coconut needs. Coconut likes feeling the power and control of this healing.
More from Mom: That nutty little healing machine! Last night he was scratching up a storm in the litter box and I thought What the heck? Well now I know. And the furniture, too? Okay, work on that bed, Coconut! The other night he was staring at the TV. Must’ve been healing it. But at least he likes healing creatures, too. (That raccoon has been back!) And himself…feeling that power and breathing so deep!
So I’ve realized that Coconut is a persistent opportunist. Thank you for the lesson and I’ll enjoy watching it progress!!! Licorice will be coming up!
From FB:
朱妍瑄 Good night friend! Feels grateful the share
56 minutes ago · Like
Liza Hernandez What a character!
53 minutes ago · Unlike · 1
Reiki Fur Babies Wonder if its because there is a “coco” in his name 🙂 Liza Hernandez
47 minutes ago · Like · 2
Edward Luis Paez Ventura What kind of joke someone told him?!!!…
37 minutes ago · Like
Reiki Fur Babies No not a joke Edward Luis Paez Ventura Coconut is directing energy to things. Its actually okay, you can send energy to anything because everything is energy. 🙂 He’s a very smart cat!
35 minutes ago · Like · 1
Brandie Younce I know he’s been working on the couch and the bed — he sprawls out on them and relaxes like never before 🙂
19 minutes ago · Unlike · 1
Reiki Fur Babies LOVE it Brandie Younce you should keep a journal for him and Blueberry 😉 this is good stuff!!
16 minutes ago · Like · 1
Wendy Jerosky CocoNUT!!! I love it I have 1 cat Indy, who send Reiki energy to her Chipmunk friends and her Raccon friends, the fact that he can figure out the redirecting energy is impressive…I”m thinking you have attuned yet another human in a past life that was a healer…The more critters attuned the more hope for this planet!!!!
16 minutes ago · Unlike · 2
Reiki Fur Babies Ah Indy, yes. That’s our plan, more fur babies that are attuned, better for the planet!! Wendy Jerosky !!