Izzabelle KoKo (aka Shorty)
Age/breed: 7 years old on 09/01/2012
How long have you had pet?: She has been with me since she was 5 weeks old.
Purpose of Attunement: Shorty is my constant companion and confidant. She is my protector and my best friend. She deserves the best. Everyone loves her but no one more than me.
I am so excited. I asked Shorty earlier today if she wanted to be a healer and she jumped up and down and barked at me. So cute!
Update as of 730pm – Up till about 658pm Shorty was running all around the house. At 658pm she went under my bed and hid in her private spot. By 715pm she came out and found me and was so so so excited! Kissing me and holding my hand with her paw, then laying her head on my hand. Then more kisses. I told her how special she is to me and that I wanted to do something special for her. That her only job is to listen and practice. It is 730pm now and she is back under the bed….sleeping I think.
Shorty said Shorty does feel this sense of being so grateful to Mom for another amazing act of kindness . Mom reaches into the Universe and with the angels brings back gifts to make a life here for Shorty even sweeter. Shorty finds this new peace coming from within Shorty. The jumping feeling that would sometimes appear has been dissolved by Shorty’s new powerful feeling of strength within Shorty. Shorty knows that Shorty can make the world right again by being strong within. Shorty feels an electric connection between Mom and Shorty filled with so much trust and love. Shorty is really just allowing the healing energy to incorporate into all the cells of Shorty. Shorty is just feeling gratitude.
We love that Shorty feels an electric connection! Mom said she was getting lots of kisses this week.
From FB:
Brandie Younce Shorty is awesome! No need to jump!