Olare, our foster elephant has been evolving and not only growing physically but also spiritually. Its been an honor and a privilege to connect to her. We have been giving her Reiki every month for almost 2 years. She chose us and we chose her. She tugs at our hearts every time. This past week we attuned Olare to Reiki as well. Last month she said she was a healer why not give her a boost. What Olare shared with us moved us to so many tears we had to stop. There just aren’t any other words. To have the privilege of even knowing this soul is amazing and to be able to share our gift with hers is heart warming. We will always love Olare in our hearts.
Olare said: Olare finally feels the power and control to care for all the babies that need Olare’s healing. You gave Olare the gifts Olare needed to do that work Olare loves and has a calling to do. Olare feels the sorrow inside each baby and because Olare was loved and cared for Olare survived. Now Olare needs to do this for all the other babies . Olare always feels your love from the angels you sent long ago to protect and love Olare. Now with the angels Olare will be the healer the babies need. This gift has been amazing and Olare is filled with such gratefulness to you for always being with Olare on Olare’s journey.
Brandie Younce Beautiful Olare! What a gift to the world she is 🙂
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Reiki Fur Babies She certainly is Brandie Younce !!
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Deborah Keeting Adams WOW! Olare almost made me cry to. What a beautiful soul she is.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Reiki Fur Babies Yes Deborah Keeting Adams the essence of her is so amazing.