Animals are spiritual beings deserving of, and responsive to, Reiki attunements.
I cannot express how excited I am to announce this. It comes at a perfect time. As we have been telling people at our book signings, work shops, every where we go that Animals are here to teach us. Not only do they teach us, they heal us. As Candy and I finished our master Reiki training our whole spiritual journey has led us to this- attuning animals.
I literally was led intuitively to do this during Rogue’s session. Then his brother Zion. As I started to hear about the effects, I did a quick search and noticed this wonderful article by Rose De Dan. I resonated with every part of me. I thought the best way to continue this would be to do a min study. Candy and I would select a few fur babies that we have worked with in the past that we felt would be healers. I attuned each one and so far the results are amazing!
Some of you may remember Brownie, the sweet greyhound that lives at the nursing home that Candy’s husband is at. Since I attuned him to Reiki, Candy said he’s been in Gordon’s room all night and during the day! And not just in the room but ON the BED. Wow!! BUT BUT, Brownie was not actually on the bed, Candy checked in with Brownie because Candy’s husband said there wasn’t much room on the bed because Brownie was there. Brownie said : Brownie said: Brownie is NOT on the bed with Dr. B but Brownie
understands why Dr B feels the weight of his presence when Brownie is healing and givnig comfort, the energy is very powerful to the receiver and this is why Dr B feels Brownie’s physical self is next to him or on top of him!!
Having animal students surely is pure joy for me. I’ve been checking in with each of them energetically and giving them support each day. They are practicing this week and Candy and I will check in with them at the end of the week. We will blog all of our results.
One of my friends, Carolyn Arnold said to me, “hey do you think the animal attunements are the missing link? Imagine what they can do, they’re already so powerful in healing.. she said I’m seeing a version of the Twilight Barking as the Twilight Healing, all the dogs , cats, horses uniting at specific times to send healing out to the humans and the world”
That just gives me GOOSEBUMPS everytime I read that.
Then I read this from Tracie’s blog who gave me a reading this year. More goosebumps. made me think ah what the animals could do to help us stabilize the energy on our planet. Awesome!
If you would like to schedule an attunement for your pet, you can book on our website.
Sign your fur baby up for a Reiki class 😉
This makes me shiver all over. The twilight barking, the hummingbirds peering in the window — vibrating, the birds in early morning chirp., the elephants… I believe are doing something along these lines already… a wake up vibration ( but then I AM biased on the subject of Elephants) Oh THIS IS IT! You are in the collective consciousness of something huge! Love you loveyou
Thank you Laegan for your wonderful comments!!! I surely agree with you. There is something big going on!! Love and light to you, Ming
I’ve been attuning animals to Reiki for 12 years now and YES it does work. The animals are changed by this direct connection to a divine healing energy. Usually they already know how to use it for their people also. Many times when a person is ill or close to passing I will attune the animals that are close to that person and the differences are always amazing. I pass healing attunements to animals before they pass. Again, it’s such a blessing for all involved – especially for me! Thank you for bringing more attention to the many uses of Reiki. Linda
Thank you Linda for sharing here. Its wonderful to hear about all the work you are doing. The more animals that have this healing and able to pass on this healing the better!! Blessings to you!