My boy kitty Otto (11 years old), was wheezing the past few weeks and I was trying natural methods to help him to no avail. At the vet yesterday he had a few chest x-rays that indicate he may have an enlarged heart which is limiting his lung capacity. We go today at 3 for an echocardiogram.
Just now he had an episode where he was acting scared and running around and then eliminated on the floor and ran to the corner. It freaked me out.
I am interested to hear what he has to say to me about how he feels, what he needs, and to calm him before the car ride and vet visits. I also think that reiki would be helpful to him too.
Can you help us?
Otto said Otto’s body is off and out of rhythm, and Otto’s mind and soul. Otto thinks its out of tune. Otto always has felt a comfort from within but now Otto cannot rely on the signals that are being transferred from Otto’s thoughts and brain. And not being received by Otto’s body parts. This feeling also like something is pressing sometimes Otto from the inside out. That is when Otto “sucks air”. Mom really tries to comfort and care for Otto and Mom always does. Otto knows Mom will do what’s best for Otto because Mom has been Otto’s most caring connection ever. Otto doesn’t know why Otto was spinning in the room earlier
Otto is home after being in the hospital for several days. We send him lots of love on his recovery!!