One thing that I have learned over the years is not just how about cats and dogs are so connected to us, but rabbits, turtles and even fish. I learned watching my little brother take care of fish when we were kids that they had emotions, I could tell that they could recognize us. But learning Reiki and connecting to ones such as Blueberry, you realize that they have souls just like all creatures.I remember learning about how Blueberry chose his Mom just a dog does. Amazing reading about it. Here’s the story again. Blueberry even bonded with the two cats in the house, Coconut and Licorice. Its amazing stuff what this little fish shares!!! Here’s the wellness session we did for Blueberry and his comments about the two cats again.
Blueberry said, Mom just remember birds have to fly, dogs need to bark and fish gotta swim. Right now Blueberry feels grounded or that Blueberry floats. Blueberry accepts whatever is happening or not with Blueberry’s fishy body. Blueberry listens to Mom’s sweet voice and Blueberry receives all the love messages from Mom also. Blueberry feels pretty peaceful and Blueberry’s soul is soaring close by. Blueberry watches everyone doing what Blueberry’s amazing family needs to do. Mom, Blueberry is fine and whatever is happening is all part of a big journey maybe we are all on. Blueberry still feels love, joy, and gratitude for Blueberry’s life with Blueberry’s most wonderful family. Don’t worry Mom everything will be exactly the way its supposed to be.
Wow. This is so hard for me. I’m so sad about this…so much crying! I’m glad he feels peaceful. Yes, he is quite the fish and I can’t bare the thought of not seeing him anymore but I’m grateful to have such a special little guy like him…in my vibration….no matter where he is. Now, he’s still here and I cherish every moment with gorgeous Blueberry!
THANK YOU and I’ll keep you guys posted.He ate two pellets this morning! He actually came to the surface like, I’m ready to eat now. I took his water to be tested yesterday to make sure I wasn’t doing something bad for him and it tested good. He’s still laying sideways…but…also sitting straight up a little more, too. No matter what happens, I like these signs. Thanks so much for checking!!!
FB Comments:
Melva Parker Wyatt I wasn`t aware that dogs chose their owners. Please explain. If this is true, it sure explains alot.
about an hour ago · Edited · Unlike · 1
Reiki Fur Babies Hi Melva Parker Wyatt there is a connection don’t you believe between your dog and you , its called a soul connection (you can read about it in our book ::) (actually all animals) ..Their soul forms a pact with ours. Read about Blueberry. Its amazing.
about an hour ago · Like
Amanda Dru Mills I had a beta, his name was master. Lol. Master-beta. Lmao. I cried my eyes out when he died. Had him almost 3 years.
40 minutes ago · Unlike · 1
Reiki Fur Babies Aww I love that Amanda Dru Mills Master-beta. Too cute. Thank you for sharing. ♥
26 minutes ago · Like
Melva Parker Wyatt The reason I asked is this; I have had three dogs with seizures, each one worse than the previous. The vet said this is highly unusual to have three. I have been told these dogs “came to me”, because I will take care of their needs; meds & emotional support where alot of ppl won`t deal with it. I was born a dog lover, so I give them whatever they need, whatever the cost. So what you said confirms this for me.
16 minutes ago · Unlike · 1
Reiki Fur Babies Wonderful Melva Parker Wyatt then you are right, these 3 chose the right Mama to help them. Sending them all 3 healing angels.
Brandie Younce Blueberry connected with me on the store shelf — I felt it strongly and was surprised and amazed that a little fish could do that! But also not surprised. Colette Baron-Reid also told me flat out — as we were all talking about our pets on the cruise — “that fish picked you” 🙂
6 minutes ago · Unlike · 1