Mom wanted sessions for her kitties as they were going to move. She wanted them to all cooperate and be happy in the move. The morning of the move we had sessions for Babbo and Amy.
Amy said Amy said Amy knew it would finally come to Amy. Now first Amy wants an angel because Babbo, Fee Wee and Mommy Chelsea and Mom all have one of their own. Amy needs a BIG special guardian angel to help Amy be happier in the cage carrier on our move. Yeay, hooray, what a big greatest Amy has. Amy thinks Amy has the bestest ever angel. Maybe Amy’s angel can help Amy learn how to meow in Italian! Wouldn’t that make Mom stand up and shout? Amy likes making Mom happy. Here Amy, Babbo, FeeWee and Mommy Chelsea are already for the move. Excited to move from small to big. More is always better to Amy. Amy is ready and being very good because Amy has the bestest guardian angel to protect Amy and love Amy all the way home!
Amy made us laugh so hard. She was very cute with her demands. Cats are always so funny. Amy being the baby… this certainly didn’t surprise us 😉
Mom said: Tears of gratitude. That little baby has the BIGGEST mouth- of all – esp in the mornings. Always wondered what the heck is she screaming about!!!! That little soul has been yelling at me since she was born LOL. Soo cute OMG cannot believe it- So moved. So happy.That is so hilarious!! ! How does she know about the Italian lol
Thank you. (Baby Amy napping at her new place)
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João Rafael Sommer cuidado com as lendas pq dizem que gato preto traz azar to de brincadeira ele é lindo kkk
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Yesterday at 7:00am · Like
Annette Pedersen What a sweet Amy!
Yesterday at 7:07am · Unlike · 2
Erin Tierney She is the sweetest thing! And she also has a very big mouth!! 🙂
3 hours ago · Unlike · 1
Reiki Fur Babies She was very funny Erin Tierney maybe she does meow in Italian 😉