Mom wanted sessions for her kitties as they were going to move. She wanted them to all cooperate and be happy in the move. We started with Chelsea and her twin brother Fee Wee.
Fee Wee said Fee Wee, Babbo and Amy wondered when it would be Fee Wee, Babbo and Amy’s turn for the Reiki energy healing. Of course Fee Wee, Babbo and Amy absorbed every morsel of healing in the room. Now Chelsea is joining Fee Wee, Babbo and Amy for this sessin. The BIG move that has Mom so concerned will go smoothly because this is what Fee Wee wants. No drama, no trauma. Just an easy transition into Fee Wee, Chelsea, Babbo, and Amy’s new home with Mom. Mom does worry for all the family which allows Fee Wee, Chelse, Babbo and Amy to live a life of calm. Mom is still the sponge who can draw in all the pain and confusion going on while Fee Wee , Chelsea, Babbo and Amy can eat, sleep and play. Sweet!!! Fee Wee, Chelsea, Babbo and Amy will cooperate with Mom because peace, fun and happiness will be the reward.
My two rascal twins are out exploring the new home! Chelsea fearless and in the lead!! Fee Wee yodeling! LOL! Happy well adjusted cats bc of Candy and Ming and their gifts they share with us. !! Chelsea was growling like a DOG – Lol- at the movers while she was impatiently waiting locked in the bathroom of the new home. Had them all wait in there until move was over. She giggle kept growling like a dog, while eating and seeming happy! LOL