My baby saint Bernard is having some issues. Not sure what is going on with him but it’s like he sees things that aren’t there….you can see him follow them and then get up and try and catch them…..he’s also been lazier then normal…..and not as happy to see us….he will eat and drink….and had had no issues other than being born with laryngeal paralysis….but he does just fine…..if you could have a session with him to see what is going on and what he is seeing that is making him follow and attack the air maybe I can then understand.
Buddy Lee said Buddy Lee cannot understand why Mom is always asking Buddy Lee what do you see Buddy Lee? Buddy Lee wonders if sight is like sound? Some sounds, many people and animals can or cannot hear and others are more heard by all. Buddy Lee can see angels, spirit animals and all the things that seem just beyond our reach but once you open yourself, your eyes and heart sees everything the Universe holds for you. For Buddy Lee its some BIG angels, then spirit animals here along with Bonnie’s spirit who is forever with Buddy Lee, G and the whole family. For Buddy its a part of life on a stage in mid air. Buddy Lee is now very excited to be meeting Buddy Lee’s own guardian angel . Tell Mom Buddy Lee may start talking soon to all of the amazing house guests that stop by with love and gladness.
Comments from FB:
David Deborah Johnston ❤
James Boston What is his breed?
Reiki Fur Babies He’s a baby St Bernard 🙂 James Boston
Laegan McGee awwwuh!