We had a healing session for Parker. A balloon had popped by accident by the chandelier. Each time Parker would go by it she would look up terrified thinking there would be another BOOM. We gave her mental healings.
Parker said, Parker can still hear the explosion going off, debris flying, ceiling falling. Parker knew everyone was dying in that split second of time. Then it ended. Everyone was laughing, standing and talking and Parker needed CPR. Of course Parker survived but Parker doesn’t know why boom boom noise is still in Parker’s head. Candy told Parker, sweet Parker we are rebooting everything for you. Clear out past events that have had any negative effect on your. Turning down the volume inside your head. Loud noises wont come through as loud. We will also activate a brave and fearless center in your brain that will allow Parker to be mighty girl. Your angel is always there to protect you so reach out. Parker said, Parker knows MOM is the best guardian angel too. Parker feels better when Mom holds Parker then for Parker the world is peaceful. Sam and Ben are fun too. Parker is moving through fear to become Wonder Parker, hooray!!!
Mom said she laughed when she read the report and would cuddle her more. The next day she was much better!
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Lori Seabury Awwwww, he loves his sock monkey too!
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 2
Rosa Duarte awww
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