I just got a session for Lola too! She is licking like crazy all of a sudden. She was doing great and then this morning I went in and she was all red. I wish I knew what was causing it. I was just thinking about doing a wellness for her and then this morning the licking was awful. I haven’t had to do the steroids since our last session — it has been months. I took her off grain in her food and I thought that helped. And then this morning it was awful. She never did this before we moved to Northern California a year and a half ago. It started before Minnie, so I don’t know what it is….I want her to feel balanced. It could be allergies, but then in my mind I always think its emotional…but maybe it is something she is allergic too.
Lola said, Lola’s tongue needs a rest. Lola keeps scratching and then follows with lots of licks to cool the skin down. For Lola it feels like Lola has hot spots that Lola needs to cool down with Lola’s tongue. Sometimes the sensation changes to a tingly and then itchy skin. Lola would like Mom to take over because Lola’s tongue is exhausted from the never ending need for licking. Lola’s guardian angel has been helping Lola with lots of cooling energy from Lola’s angel too. .
Next day:
It was pretty amazing last night I almost emailed you at 11. She was out last night sitting in the living room which she has not done in awhile (or since we emailed about her on Sunday which I thought was funny–even when you ask about her it triggers something). She hasn’t sat out with us in forever. I went to bed so much later because she was enjoying being out I wanted to give her time to be out and I knew she go to bed if I went to bed. She wasn’t up licking all night and slept with me instead of in the guest room. She normally sleeps with me but the last few weeks had been in the guest room. She is curled up on my bed right now and sleeping…not licking. When I left yesterday she was licking not sleeping. So I will give it a couple more days and my vet can get us in quickly if necessary so if I need to will go Friday, but things are looking good! XO