Dear Ming and Candy. I need an emergency session for my Yum Yum. Something is wrong with his back legs and he is having trouble with them. He is eating and drinking water and all internal body functions seem to be doing ok but he is losing weight and having trouble walking. I am trying to keep positive but my heart is heavy and I am worried and don’t know what I can do for him. Please help him and me. Thank you…..
YumYum said, YumYum feels good with the pick me up which you call reiki healing energy session. YumYum is so happy to have this healing going on to each and every cell in YumYum’s body. YumYum is okay but YumYum’s body and mind may not be connected all the time. YumYum will tell YumYum’s legs to move and YumYum can tell that YumYum’s legs are just dragging along and not doing what YumYum requested. YumYum even asked YumYum’s angel and angel was not paying attention to YumYum either. This all could be frustrating for YumYum but YumYum knows its its just the body and it wont always work. YumYum feels good because YumYum has Mom taking care of all the stuff that needs to keep YumYum safe and loved. Mom is the best and YumYum will be okay until YumYum’s body is too tired to work. YumYum is good with everything.
Good morning, Yum Yum seems to be doing so much better this morning. He has returned to his favorite spots in the living room on the couch and most importantly on the table which he has not done in a while. Last night I smudged the house and every room with sage and went outside under the full moon and let the fear and anxiety go and released everything. He slept on the bed with me and Kitzo and he seems to be walking a little better. I have been opened to the complete healing which has already occured and keep thanking the angels and archangels and all the ascending masters that have come to be with him and myself. My mother has also been working for all of us and says there are so many angels in my home right now that she is surprised I am able to walk around without bumpy into them. My heart is filled with gratitude Thank you for what you did for Yum Yum and myself.
Comments from FB:
Anabel Delgado Cespedez ajja that kitten is cute, beautiful!!! 🙂
April Gentry Ahhhh YumYum looks like me Pumpkinseed
Annette Pedersen Wow – his face is similar to HobieCat’s. What a precious! Legs all better now?
Rosebud Fae LeBrun He could have toxoplasma… our cat had trouble with his hinds legs & he had this.. simple blood test picked it up & them a tablet. All fine! But I think now Reiki would be good for him :0) To make sure doesn’t come back! ♥
Reiki Fur Babies Yes Mom says he’s much better Annette Pedersen and Rosebud Fae LeBrun