I am so grateful for the healing for my beloved Shelby (a.k.a Tailbone). She is a Sheltie-Poodle mix that is 12 years old. She had surgery on her left front leg last November to remove a non-cancerous tumor in the joint in her leg. She seemed to be better afterward but now is limping badly again. I have been hesitant to put her through another surgery but want her to have a good quality of life. She is a sweet, barky little thing that lives to eat and to take walks which she can’t really do anymore. I pray that you can help her. Thank you and Bless You for your love of animals and for this gracious healing.
Shelby said, Shelby feels all this energy surrounding Shelby. For Shelby it is relaxing and a peaceful calm is washing over Shelby. Shelby is happy to feel so calm and light. Shelby cannot do many things anymore because Shelby’s body no longer can respond to all the commands Shelby is sending to the different parts of Shelby’s body. Shelby feels the same inside yet Shelby is aware that the body Shelby is in feels sore and tired. Bodies wear out but souls only soar. Shelby’s Mom is always loving and caring for Shelby. Shelby lives in love and gratitude for this wonderful life and family. Shelby will continue to go to the healing center within and draw upon Shelby’s own healing energy supply . Yes, Shelby loves angels and for Shelby to have a guardian angel with Shelby all the time is wonderful. In this world and the next. Shelby will always feel loved and protected because Mom made this amazing arrangement for Shelby to have healing energy and then a guardian angel too. Wow, thanks Mom.
Mom wrote: Thank you so much for the wonderful healing and the beautiful words; I noticed Shelby was very warm this morning and am hopeful can now begin to heal. I will let you know how she progresses. Thank you again.