With the crossing over of Kc, Star never was quite happy. She had always bonded with Apryl. So when Apryl came to visit for a week, Star became “alive” again. Candy had mentioned that one
day Star might live with Apryl. That day came. As Star arrived, we had a session for her since she was afraid of the doggie door.We gave all four dogs their own guardian angels!
Here’s what Star shared (and I saw Kc next to Star everywhere Star turned)
Star said, hi hi Mom can you see me? Star is with Mommy Apryl. Star got here by being in Mommy Apryl’s car for a long time. This was a nice ride because there was just Mommy Apryl and Star with a love connection so happy to be together. Then comes the party, slam bam wow running, growling, happy, jumping every thing going on at once and Star felt it was all the energy directed at Star. What an amazing welcome home Star! Then Star got the best surprise present- Joey came into our home and Joey is Star’s Dad now so Star runs all over Dad and wants to express Star’s gratitude in the way Dad would appreciate- big licks all over Dad’s sweet face. Star is so happy next to Dad. Yes, there is one small problem. Mom and Star believes Mom has convinced Dad of this plan to push us through this tiny hole in the floor. Not the floor bottom but close to the floor and Star is afraid which no one understands because what if Star cannot get back home (inside) again? Could the guardian angel carry Star out this hole? Candy said No Star, we are going to reboot your brain so you will no longer be afraid of the little doggie door you must use to go out to the bathroom. No Star you will lead all your siblings out the doggie door. Max and Gerdy will chase you and Lacey will run right through to catch you. Star you are a brave girl and your family loves you so much they would never ask you to do anything that could cause you any harm. Yield Star so you can lead the way. Star you be the bright light that guides them all.