Can I schedule a session for Lani. I think her knees and hips may be a little painful for her and a shot of Ming love and angels will do her good.
Lani said, Lani would like you to go inside Lani’s control center and check Lani’s hind legs and hips and working parts because Lani wakes up inside and Lani then commands Lani body to be up and moving. Sometimes Lani’s parts even move out of sequence- weird right? Stiffness, soreness in the back end of Lani and the movements are slow. Lani is really okay with most of this because Lani knows Lani will get up and move. Yes, Lani does remember the healing energy comes from within Lani and Lani must use this source of healing daily to bring the healing energy into the sore joints, bones, and legs would give Lani’s body parts the boost that Lani believes is needed to see Lani through. Lani does see and communicate with Lani’s angel too.
About an hour before the session was to begin, Lani jumped up on the couch with me and demanded attention (as she is wont to do). She kept glancing around her as if she was seeing her angels gathering. She quieted down around session time, but about 15 minutes into it she got up and began pacing between Jackie and me. She got kind of animated, in a happy way.
I shared your email with Jackie and said I have to laugh at the last paragraph. “It sounds like Lani was bossing her angels around.” I said. “Just like she does with us.”
She seems good today. She’s currently laying on the couch next to me bossing me around.
Thank you Ming. You guys are the best!