She is still licking and was doing a litter box dance this morning. She is
having a tough time with the addition of minnie still. It breaks my
heart. I think she has had the toughest adjustment in terms of losing
mom time. I have a trip this weekend too. I have a great house sitter
so she will not be alone but I think she needs a little candy and Ming
Love!! Let me know if you can fit her in.
Lola said Lola likes this special time with the healing energy. Lola knows Mama and Minnie will also benefit from the energy healing beause the energy just fills Lola’s entire home and everyone in it receives the healing. Lola is always sharing in Lola’s own way. Lola knows that Mom has to be away for a litle while but Lola, Mama and Minnie will be cared for while Mom is away. Lola understands that Mom is always doing her best to care for Lola and the whole family. Sometimes Lola needs more time and attention, then it’s Minnie or Mama. Mom just opens her heart to Lola, Mama and Minnie whenever Mom is needed. Sometimes Lola wants Mom when the others do too. Wow that must be difficult because Lola really pouts when Lola isn’t the chosen one but Lola is over the pouting pretty fast because Lola’s guardian angel is always protecting and helping Lola feel the love from everyone.
Lola is doing better, still slightly in hiding, but I keep giving her lots of love…but licking MUCH less and not at all seemingly like she has a UTI…you and the angels work wonders!!! XOXO