Hope you all are well. I’d like to schedule one of my sessions for Maggie. She is doing OK, but is having a problem now with what the vet is calling “geriatric vestibular disease”. Basically she has had some sort of episode that is affecting her balance. Her head is kind of twisted to her right and she is having problems getting up and down on the furniture, stairs, and even turning 3 times to lay down. It’s not anything terminal. The vet says that older dogs have this happen and it will likely improve with time, but Maggie seems a little scared and worried about it. She is very needy for hugs, pets and reassurance which I make sure she gets in spades. I would just like for y’all to give her some energy and feel good and let her know she is OK and we’ll take care of her. Let her know that Mama knows she is scared and that I will love her and take care of her no matter what.
Maggie said Maggie does not like the sensation of the loss of control over Maggie’s own body. Maggie’s head will begin with the plan and then Maggie’s body doesn’t seem to be able to follow the commands Maggie’s brain is sending. For Maggie it’s like there is a short in Maggie’s system that sends messages to other parts of Maggie’s body. Maggie waivers between frustration and fear with these body disconnects. Maggie’s guardian angel is always near giving Maggie lots of reassurance and then Maggie can feel the surge of love and protection flowing from Mom. Maggie loves all the comfort, hugs, extra strokes and attention that has been lavished on Maggie. Maggie always feels very special and loved.
She has improved a lot in her blood work with the kidney thing since her last session and I don’t want this to stress her too any more than it has to. She is a very special little lady and deserves to be happy. Oh, and she just turned 14 late last month.
I was watching her pretty closely during the session. She laid down and stretched out and relaxed. At one point she was boofing under her breath and looking around like she was having a conversation, then she relaxed again. She went quietly to sleep about 10 minutes ago and is relaxed and calm right now, all tucked up on the couch next to me.
I am glad she knows that I will give her all the support she needs. She is a wonderful girl who was Bobo’s best buddy and has always taken it on herself to watch over all the other little doggies we have. She holds a very special place in my heart and I want her to feel loved and happy. I even went and bought her extra bags of her favorite snack – baked pita chips with raw sugar and cinnamon! Yummy!
Days later: we received another update :
Hi Ming,
I thought you’d like to know that Maggie is doing better! She is more sure footed and is less upset by her balance problem. She has been so calm that things that usually bother her don’t. Maggie has always been jumpy and unhappy when the wind blows really hard, especially if things hit the roof or sides of the house. Well, we had a big windstorm around here and she didn’t even pull her ears back. Very calm and sweet, she spent the time stretched out next to me or on the ottoman snoozing. No upset, nervousness or shivering at all!! Those angels are doing a good job for her!