This is an amazing story because Mom was amazed at how calm Katie was while witnessings Katie’s injury that happened so fast. We loved hearing it was her guardian angel that assisted Katie.
Just wondering if we can do a session for Katie. I want to do one on her birthday which isn’t for a couple of weeks yet but we had a pretty good scare today so I want to check in with her. I was walking her over to our tack room area to saddle her up for a lesson. She lunged for some grass that is near a parked fifth wheel trailer. When she lunged she stepped on a lid to the septic tank for the trailer, which was plastic and she fell through. Her entire left front leg was trapped up to her shoulder and she bumped her face. As I was standing there completely horrified she managed to stay calm and get herself out of it. How I don’t even know and she went to eat grass on the other side. She has a small cut on her left foot and my trainer gave her some banamine for pain relief. I was hoping to blast that whole leg with your amazing healing energy and make sure she is okay
Katie said Katie was able to stay calm because Katie‘s guardian angel was right here with Katie helping Katie stay calm and guiding Katie to safety. Katie feels like everything happens in these fast seconds before Katie or anyone besides an angel is prepared to react! Katie‘s leg is a reminder of what happens in these moments. Katie just wants everything to feel good again. Katie likes the calm of feeling good. Katie knows Mom feels sad for Katie. Katie is getting better every moment. Katie is so glad Mom was here too. Katie does feel the energy healing and Katie knows to use it from within Katie. Katie‘s whole body feels the infusion of wellness. Katie‘s guardian angel never leaves Katie so Katie is always surrounded with Katie‘s own special angel’s love and healing too.