We have met Parker the goldendoodle in person many times. So it was fun to connect with her energetically. As you can see, she did recognize us! Mom wanted a wellness session for her.
Parker said Parker knows you! Hi, Hi, Hi, Hi, Hi! Candy said yes, Parker its Ming and I, now relax. Parker loves everything but mostly Mom. Parker is Mommy’s good girl. Parker loves looking at Mom , walking with Mom, riding with Mom, sitting with Mom, listening with Mom. Yes, of course Parker loves to play with the boys. They always hug and kiss Parker too. Parker runs and plays with both of them. They have friends that love Parker too. Everybody hugs Parker so Parker always feels lots of love. Parker sometimes sits or sleeps on the bed with Sam or Ben. Parker really wants to be a good girl so Mom can be happy and proud of her Parker. Parker is Mom’s girl. Yes Parker likes the healing energy healing. Parker is being calm inside, more relaxed. All of Parker‘s cells are full of healing energy so Parker is going to be even better.
Mom wrote, we love her too. She really adds so much to our little family. Thank you again, I was so touched. She was looking at me during the session, so sweet. She’s 12 lbs of pure love and joy! Later on that evening, I heard back from Parker’s Mom, Parker has been following me everywhere!! Even into the laundry room.