Meg – an eight year old Rottweiler. She loves to play ball but ended up with a herniated disc. Later she had a wound on her right hind paw and her hips aren’t strong enough to be gimpy. Although she has received acupuncture and adjustments there are times in the day where she is really gimpy. She is also on Zeel, an holistic remedy for arthritis. Meg will get on the couch and lick…. lick her paws, mostly the rear right one or her left front paw, or lick the couch.
Meggie said Meggie is happy you came to help Meggie. Can you help Meggie with the itchy, tingling feeling in Meggie‘s paws? Licking sometimes soothes them for awhile but Meggie doesnt know why or where this comes from. Meggie has to stay on slow speed now because Meggie‘s body won’t shift up to a faster speed anymore or else things begin to hurt inside Meggie. Mom takes Meggie for help and care because Mom worries about Meggie. Yes, also because Mom loves Meggie so much. Meggie feels okay with life’s changes. Meggie wakes up and is ready to begin a new each day. Surprise today Meggie, let’s see what is going on in Meggie‘s world. Meggie feels loved and cared for everyday by Mom so Meggie knows everything will be fine. Meggie is very relaxed right now and is really feeling peaceful. Meggie likes this………..sigh……..
Mom wrote:
Both dogs were relaxed during their session. Dex had some moments of being restless, and Meg licked her paw a bit, but both dogs were much more relaxed overall last night.
Allergies being the reason that Meg licks her paws makes a lot of sense. Sometimes she licks her toes and I think maybe she gimped a toe nail but then sometimes she licks her leg. So allergies do make sense. I recently found out that the Nature’s Variety, rabbit formula is made in China. Was feeding that because Dex is hot internally and rabbit is a cooler food. But I recently finished that bag and started to feed them the chicken formula. Just maybe once the last bag works through Meggie’s system her paws won’t tingle. And her vet is both conventional and holistic, and she does muscle testing for allergies. So I’ll ask about that.
The other day I took a Massage class with Meggie. I will offer some massages to Dex to help him relax.
Thank you so much for the healing sessions!!